Thursday, April 4, 2013


          The internet has change the way we communicate and share information.  People communicate through the email, web caming, and chat lines.  This makes it all easier to send a message through the internet than wait for it to send through mail.  According to Rob "It allows one to stay in touch inexpensively with family, friends and acquaintances next door, in the next town, in the next state, in the next country and so on."  Facebook would be an example where people communitcate with their family and friends.
          Internet is a place for sharing information because like google and other search engine you could search for all sorts of information that you need.  According to Rob "Schoolchildren can receive help with homework, investors can keep track of stocks, sports scores and statistics are just a click away for fans."  Many students including myself when I need a clearification of something like a homework I don't understand I would search on google for help.   Also people use to always go to the gas station to get newspapers about what going on in the world and now it is much easier due to the internet because you can just pull up information quickly without having to drive to get those newspapers.  "Avid proponents of the Internet claim it could feasibly replace print media. The cost of publishing a newspaper or magazine online is far less than the cost of printing one."  This also mean that you can save money.  The internet has change the way we communicate and share information, but there are more stuff that the internet has to offer.   



  1. I agree that the Internet is a revolutionary invention. Without it, seemingly simple tasks that we can do with a few clicks would take significantly longer if you had to do it manually. For example, if you came across a word you didn't know while reading, you could search for the definition of it in mere seconds, rather than taking a few minutes to get out a dictionary and flip through it until you got to the word. It is a lot easier to send a message online, but sometimes it's fun to be old-fashioned and send a handwritten letter.

    1. I agree with you internet has made it a lot easier to search for information needed and sending message, but I guess it is fun sometime to be old fashion.

  2. Reading the statement above by Ms. Smith reminds me of research papers. I know that sometimes we are required to have a certain amt of book sources for a research paper and the rest can be online. It makes me think about what if all of them had to be books? It would take substantially longer to do a research paper without the internet. On the internet you can just simply type in a few words and thousands of possibilities appear. In libraries, to an extent, you are more limited to what you have access too. Thank God for the interent!
    Heather Roberson

    1. Yes, internet has made research paper alot easier because of all sources of information you can find on the internet within a couple of clicks.

  3. I'll go ahead and agree with everyone else what a remarkable and useful tool the Internet is. From simply enjoying it for entertainment to doing advanced research for school, the Internet is a great resource. It is accessible, inexpensive, vast, and ubiquitous. Everyone, almost anywhere, can get online and do or learn whatever they may want. I agree with Bianca, it is a revolutionaty invention. The Internet is going to be the foundation for so much progress.

    1. Yes, I agree with you too, because internet does provide information on almost everything.

  4. I agree the internet revolutionize almost everything in our lives, the way we communicate, the way we work, and the way we study. The internet open doors for many changes, changes that now form a part of our daily lives. Now we can work in our houses, also if we are traveling. We can communicate with friends families all over the world with our smartphones. We can also get a university degree in our homes, taking online classes. The internet is a tool that opened many doors to changes and to make life a little easier. It improve the way we do business. In my case internet enables me to talk with my family that are thousands of miles away, it allows me to see my parents faces when I call them through Skype, so for me the internet is a very important tool that we can reach very easily.

    1. Yes, I agree with you internet is becoming an important part in our life and without the internet I think life will be more difficult when we want information about what going on in the world or how are family and friend is doing. Thanks to the internet that we could do all these wonderful stuff.
