Sunday, February 24, 2013

How Has IT Changed Business?

Information Technology (IT) has had a huge impact on the business world.  It has changed the way companies operate, manage, and conduct their businesses.  Innovations such as the internet and mobile computing have made it possible for a business to stay connected from anywhere in the world.

A perfect example of this is UPS.  UPS using IT to provide a service for both sides of the equation.  The UPS tracking system makes it possible for vendors, customers and UPS themselves keep track of an item being shipped around the world.  They use a complex database to produce tracking codes, handheld devices for drivers to update the destinations and current locations of the product, and a convenient user friendly interface on their website for customers to track their orders.  This takes alot to make it work, and UPS does a good job of keeping their orders on time.  About 9% of all packages are either lost or late; but this is not always at the fault of UPS.  That is not a bad number, but it could be bigger considering how big UPS is.

What are some examples that you can think of that uses IT to revolutionize their industry?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I absolutely agree. For instance, when I started my career at the bank years ago; our company experienced a similar impact. As you mentioned, IT has had a huge positive impact in the business world, same as in the economy and the society.
    Industrialized countries have the advantage to experience the various benefits and advantage that IT has to offer, whereas they are less prominent in non-developed countries. Governmental policies and financial issues have prevent access to up-to-date technology. On the other hand, these other cultures seen to be afraid to get more involved in the new digital era. Although there are companies that operate with new technology; people still don't trust others to complete their own financial transactions. Therefore, instead of becoming a competitive advantage over the other companies that offer the same product and services; this approach tends to be a disadvantage.

    1. I agree with you that some cultures are not very attracted to the idea of changing their old ways, but I think that they are finding out that it is the only option if they want to survive. It will be interesting to see in say 20 years how the old fashioned bazaars and markets in many of these old countries adjust to life in a new world of business.

  3. IT helps businesses grow, for example at my wife's job they have 24/7 tracking and tracing of their customers shipments via trucks. They have on call people that can contact customers with updates or if the customer wants to track their own shipments. They have the drivers do Macro,(web based program) the company sends the driver a text message with a phone number, the driver calls that # and presses 1. From that moment on either the company or the customer can log on and see exactly where in the US the shipment is and an estimated arrival to the destination. This enables the company to compete for big accounts of shipments worth thousands of dollars.

  4. Definitely. Things such as the RFID chips and what not have really helped to do everything it can to speed up shipping and inventory checks, just as our professor said with the Walmart example.
